The translations are not always perfect.

It seems that autumn already noted and with arrival days are rainy and cold. Now, what most want is back home and enjoy our sofa, a blanket and a good book.

Many of the books that usually populate our shelves and bookcases are originally written in another language, the stories of different cultures and, as we like to remind you all that plays a fundamental role the mastery of the translator, that you should never alter the content of the original work.


But, as the proverb says, the rules are for breaking them. So there are some that another anecdote on the translation that makes us, the less, smile.

  • In France not only superheroes are also immortal, Don Quixote. To Filleau de Saint – Martin was entrusted the translation of the most famous book of the Spanish literature into French. During his work of translation it decided that Don Quixote didn’t have to die and thus gave rise to a continuation of the book. The work was left unfinished due to the death of the writer.
  • The little Prince (book translated to more than 180 languages and dialects and languages) also speaks to Extremadura. To be more exact castúo speaking, Extremadura dialect spoken in the North of the region. Title: El Principinu.
  • We know that the rush are never good counselors and that translations not officers of books such as Harry Potter, who came within hours of the publication of the original book, are not highly recommended. Although perhaps in China waited too to officially translate a masterpiece as one hundred years of solitude, in particular 44anos (published for the first time in Argentina in 1967 and China resulted in 2011).
  • The Bible is the book most translated in the world. He has translated to 2,454 languages.
  • And speaking of the Bible, you know that not can be shown to 100 percent reliability of its translations. In any case, what does seem certain is that exodus speaks of Moses, whose face exudes light rays to talk to God. St. Jerome, who was the first to translate it into latin, thinking that no human being could emanate light, decided to use the second meaning of the word karan which in Hebrew can mean, apart from beam, Horn. That is why that Moses appears with two lumps on the head in some images.